Ing. Ivan Hůlek
A two-time holder of Superkings Trophy, which he won in years 1995 and 1998 for his performance in solo aerobatics of jet fighters at the biggest European aviation event International Tatoo Victory Air Show in Faiforde, England. After 38 years of service he decided to enjoy carefree life in his house with a view of Sliač Airport. But he agreed to take the position of an executive director of International Aviation Days SIAF 2017.
As a display pilot I spent five years participating in aviation days at home and abroad. But I always arrived, stopped engines, went to a hotel, executed my performance and flew home. Later during aviation days I worked as a chief of an organizational committee in charge of the SVK Armed Forces. I found out that plenty of people I know very well prepared SIAF and they did it with enthusiasm. I said to myself I would give it a try.